




Almighty God's Word "Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement"

Almighty God says, "No one apart from Him can know all of our thoughts, or have such a grasp of our nature and substance, or judge the rebelliousness and corruption of mankind, or speak to us and work among us like this on behalf of the God of heaven. No one except for Him can possess the authority, wisdom, and dignity of God; the disposition of God and what He has and is are issued forth, in their entirety, from Him. No one apart from Him can show us the way and bring us light. No one apart from Him can reveal the mysteries God has not disclosed from creation until today. No one apart from Him can save us from Satan’s bondage and our corrupt disposition. He represents God, and expresses the heart’s voice of God, the exhortations of God, and the words of judgment of God toward all mankind. He has begun a new age, a new era, and brought a new heaven and earth, new work, and He has brought us hope, and ended the life we led in vagueness, and allowed us to fully behold the path of salvation. He has conquered our whole being, and gained our hearts."

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold"

Almighty God says, "In times past, many pursued with their ambition and notions and for the sake of their hopes. These matters will not be discussed now. The key is to find a way of practice that will enable each of you to maintain a normal condition before God and to gradually break free of the shackles of Satan’s influence, so that you may be gained by God, and live out on earth what God asks of you. Only this can fulfill the desire of God."

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org






The Spiritual Awakening - "For Whom Man Should Live" (Official Music Video)

For Whom Man Should Live

Wasn’t clear for whom man should live. Now I’ve got the answer for it.
I used to live just for myself, seeking only status and fame.
Prayer to God full of fine words, yet holding to my own way in real life.
Faith based upon future and fate, I have no truth or reality.
Rituals and rules, confining my faith; I was left with nothing but emptiness.
Failing to live as a human, I don’t deserve God’s love for me.

My heart has been awakened now, telling me I should repay God’s love.
I hate myself for I had no conscience, disobeying God and breaking His heart.
Never have I cared for God’s heart; never was I concerned about His words.
Without conscience, having no sense, how can I be listed as man?
God’s judgment makes me see, I was deeply corrupted by Satan.
Evil, this world, full of traps; truth is what a believer should choose.
O dear God, You love me so, doing all You can to make me saved.
What You’ve done for me, I’ll keep in mind! I will never ever forget.
Care for God’s heart, that’s all my will. I am determined to pursue the truth. 
Consuming myself to spend for God, offering myself to repay His love,
offering myself to repay His love.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org


Eastern Lightning | The Hymn of God's Word "Come to Zion With Praising"

Come to Zion With Praising

1. Come to Zion with praising. God’s dwelling place has appeared. The glorious holy name is praised by all peoples and is being spread. O! Almighty God! The Head of the universe, the last Christ, is the shining sun, and has risen on the majestic and grand Mount Zion in the entire universe…. Almighty God! We are shouting for joy to You, and we are dancing and singing. You are truly our Redeemer, the great King of the universe!

2. You have made a group of overcomers, and accomplished God’s management plan. All peoples will stream to this mountain, and all peoples will bow down before the throne! You are the one and only true God. You are worthy to receive glory and honor. All the glory and praise and authority be to the throne! From the throne flows out the spring of life, watering and feeding all God’s people. We have transformation in our life every day. New light and inspiration accompany us, and we have new seeing about God constantly.

3. We are certain about God in our experience. God’s word appears constantly, appearing in the right ones. We are really so blessed! We are face to face with God every day, have fellowship with God in everything, and let God be the sovereign over everything. Ponder God’s word carefully and quiet our heart in God; thus we come before God and receive illumination before God, in our life, behavior, speech, mind, and thought every day we are living in God’s word, and we can have discernment at any moment.

4. God’s word is threading a needle; the things hidden within us pop up in succession. Fellowship with God brooks no delay. Our minds and thoughts are exposed by God. At every moment we live before Christ’s seat, experiencing the judgment before Christ’s seat, experiencing the judgment before Christ’s seat. Each domain of our body is still occupied by Satan. Today to recover God’s reign, we must have God’s temple cleansed.

5. To be completely occupied by God, we have to go through a life-and-death war. Only if our old self is nailed to the cross can the resurrected life of Christ be our sovereign. Now the Holy Spirit is charging at all corners in us, waging a regaining war! As long as we are ready to deny ourselves, ready to deny ourselves and willing to cooperate with God, God will illuminate us and cleanse our inside at any moment, regaining what Satan has occupied, so that we can be made complete by God as soon as possible. Waste no time, live in God’s word at all times, and be built up with all the saints, being brought into the kingdom and entering into glory with God.

from “The First Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org



1 讚美來到錫安,神的居所已經出現,榮耀的聖名萬民頌讚,正在流傳。啊!全能神!宇宙之首,末後的基督,就是發光的太陽,在整個宇宙威嚴壯闊的錫安山上已經升起來了……全能神啊!我們在向你歡呼,我們在跳舞歌唱,你真是我們的救贖主,宇宙的大君王!

2 你作成一班得勝者,完成了神的經營計劃。萬民必流歸這山,萬民必在寶座前跪拜!你是唯一的獨一真神,你配得榮耀、尊貴,一切榮耀、頌讚、權柄都歸於寶座之上!寶座流出生命源泉,澆灌餵養眾子民,生命天天有變化,新的亮光、啟示隨著咱,時時對神有新看見。

3 經歷之中定真神,神話時時在顯現,顯現在對的人裡面,我們實在太有福!天天和神面對面,凡事和神有交通,一切事讓神作主權。細心揣摩神的話,我們的心安靜在神裡面,這就來到神面前,在神面前蒙光照,每天生活、舉動、言語、心思、意念都是生活在神話裡面,隨時都會有分辨。

4 神話在穿針引線,裡面隱藏的東西竟會一連串地出現。與神交通刻不容緩,心思意念被神揭穿,一時一刻都生活在基督台前,經歷了基督台前的審判經歷了基督台前的審判。在我們身體中各個領域還被撒但侵佔,今天要想恢復神的王權,必潔淨神的聖殿。

5 要想完全被神佔有,必經過一場生死戰,老己釘死在十字架,復活的基督生命才能作主權。現在聖靈正在向我們各個角落發起衝鋒,來一場爭奪戰!只要我們甘心捨己甘心捨己,願意和神配合,神必隨時光照潔淨我們裡面,把撒但所佔有的再重新奪回來,達到儘快被神作成。不浪費時間,時刻活在神的話語裡面,和眾聖徒都有建造,被帶進國度,與神一同進入榮耀裡面。

